Friday, August 29, 2008

3 Weeks Old

Getting sleep when we get the chance. (Both pictures 1 & 2)

Daddy finding out how mommy felt for the past 9 months. (Picture 3)

forgot to post this picture of the family the day we came home from the hospital. (Picture 5)

Mommy and Josiah with his peanut Shell. 
(Picture 7 )

Josiah sleeping.  This is the way he loves to sleep. (Picture 4)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

6 Days old

We have had fun playing with Josiah. It's crazy to think how parenthood just falls into place. We are so blessed with the son that God gave us. He doesn't really cry and is just a happy baby. He is alert, loves to look into your eyes and takes everything in. I know that this might sound funny but I love the way he sneezes because he sounds like a adult and even gets the achoo in there. He slept 5 hours through last night and I know that Tim and I couldn't believe that we got 5 hours of straight sleep. Tim is an amazing husband and father. He has been keeping up with work and taking care of the two of us. At night he wakes up with me and when Josiah wakes up he finds out how he can help. Most of the time I tell him to go back to sleep because I know he has to go to work the next morning and I get to take naps with Josiah. Tim and I can both say that we have fallen in love with this little guy.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

1 Day Old

Josiah is almost 1 day old and he is doing great!  We have changed him to a more stylish outfit so he can be a ladies man although being a Jones I am sure he is a natural ladies man!  He has spent most of the day sleeping, eating and pooing, and has had several visitors today.  Here are some more pics and finally a video.  Enjoy!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Grand Entrance

Josiah has made his grand entrance about 6:15pm on 08-08-08 and he is 7lbs-12oz and 21" long! It was a long day beginning at 5am but was all worth it when we got to hold our son!  God has blessed us with a beautiful healthy child and my amazing wife made it all the way through the labor with a natural birth.  She was a real trooper!  Here are some pics and a video for you all to check out.  Please refrain from calling tonight please except for family.  We're both very exhausted.  Thanks for all your prayers and believe me we felt them!  Peace out for now!


Water Breaking

Okay we have some progress!  Dani's water broke on its own at 1pm.  Here are some pictures before the water broke and now the contractions are coming on a little stronger.  Josiah is on his way...hopefully!

Hooked Up

Dani is hooked up to the IV and she is getting induced this morning.  The doctor will be in to break her water soon and hopefully that will send her into labor.  Josiah is simply content with staying put for now but we will meet him very soon.  He is going to have a sweet birthdate of 08-08-08!  Please pray for us especially Dani because we are going to have a natural birth!  Peace.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Night Before...

We are on the eve of having our first baby.  It is a little eerie because we are probably going to be induced tomorrow so knowing the day your life is going to change is kind of strange.  I guess it felt a little different when it was all going to be a surprise, but nevertheless we are excited and I know Dani is ready to get this baby out!  Since our due date passed 9 days ago it seems as though she is going to be pregnant forever but that is about to change.  We know God has blessed us with a baby boy and we are going to name him Josiah after the 8 yr old king in Jerusalem in the old testament.  If you would like to read up on him his story is found in the book of 2 Kings 22-23 and  you will find the reason we are going to name our son Josiah!  See you on the flip side.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Holding Pattern

We are in a holding pattern right now waiting for the grand entrance of our new son Josiah James Jones.  I know God is teaching us about patience and trusting Him as we wait upon Him.  These are very exciting times and we cannot wait to meet our new son!